About Me

Welcome! I am Rebecca Hance, I am twenty one years old. I have a degree in Associates of Applie Sciences from Crowder College. I graduated in May 2008 from East Newton Highschool. I enjoyed taking photos in Higshchool, but made more than a hobby out of it after I graduated highschool. I currently live in Stella, MO, and have for 21 years.

I shoot Canon---nothing else.
I love the little details & close ups
I love making people smile when they see their photos
I have ALBUMS & ALBUMS of photos
I love "modern" photos.
I love "themed" sessions.
I edit ALL my photos personally.

Facts about me:

I am the first in my family to graduate college.
I love my mom.
I have two best friends
I have went through about 6 point and shoot cameras
I took 8 cameras to my highschool graudation party.
I love BBQ's
I want to travel to NYC, I want to experiance big city life!
My family is awesome.
I love dressing up.
Halloween is my second favorite Holiday (Christmas being first)
Ive learned to not believe what you hear.
I love classic Rock music--Hendrix.Poison.Billy Idol. Beatles etc.

To contact me click the CONTACT tab at the top of the page ;)
Thanks for visiting.