Monday, November 9, 2009

Hance Family Reunion

Everyone always knows its hard getting family together in the same room. Well Sunday afternoon we had about 85% of the "HANCE" Family for a dinner, here are some of the snapshots from that day.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Small Town Livin

I love taking pictures of Buildings, Sunsets etc. The first picture is the New Lentz & Carter Cafe (opening November 7th) in this VERY old General Store that was restored. The second & third pictures, were taken on the backrounds of Newton County.

Welcome Rylin Kay Matters

Rylin Kay Matters was welcomed to the world on 10/20/09 to Brittany Matters (my best friend) she was a healthy 8lbs 8oz baby=] She is quite the Doll!

Lindsay S.

Lindsay came to me wanting fall pictures done! We were dodging rain showers but managed to get great pics. She is a FRESHMAN at East Newton, and plays Softball.

Emily & Mallory

Kellie (Emily's Mom) contacted me on taking her daughter & niece's pictures. You make recognize the little blonde girl Mallory, I took her 1st birthday pictures back in July. Now we got some studio sessions, and these are a few of my favorites.


Lindsey and I went to school together, she moved to Minnesota, and this was the first time I had seen her since 2007, well her lil boy Carter is a DOLL. I loved shooting these too=]

photographers favorite!