Monday, April 27, 2009


I took these pictures tonight...and thought i would post them..:) the picture of me and my camera was taken in my car...and the sunset was out by my house.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hill Wedding

Casey & Kelly are an awesome couple...they wanted simplicity with their wedding..I had an awesome time taking their pics..THANKS GUYS:)

Nikki M.

Nikki happens to be my best friend..and she was wanting to do something special for her i snapped some pics..hope you like them

New Studio...

I needed some testers for my new backdrop so who better than my best friend Nicole...and a cute little girl..the bottom picture is miss Kylynn..she is Rachael's neice.

this little doll is best friend Rachael's future neice:)

Lisa H.

Lisa is an amazzing girl, she is so fun to be around and has the best ideas..we got so many great shots with her..we even got lost out in the country in the process..hope you and your family like the pics..CONGRATS ON GRADUATION

Photographers Favorite....

Jones/Dillow Engagement

This couple is the cutest..they are so in tune with each other. We hit the waterfalls in Joplin for their engagement photos. I'm their photographer and Rachael's maid of honor in their wedding May 2nd. CONGRATS you two;)


Brodie is the cutest baby..we went tanning at Rachael's aunts house for her wedding..and this is her cousin..i thought i would snap a few pic of him.

Justin & Kyli-Group

I had a lot of fun with these kids. Justin (in the green tie) is my cousin..and its his Senior Prom. I thank you guys for letting me take your pictures on your Special Night! CONGRATS SENIORS 09

These two are awesome together. Justin happens to be my cousin:) He is a senior at East Newton High School..and am I am so happy they asked me to do their pictures for Prom 09 of them and their friends.


I am new to Bloggers:) stay with me and the posts i make;)